You may or may not have heard about urban photography. It’s an exciting genre of photography that revolves around capturing images of objects and features in an urban environment. You can shoot different kinds of photos that capture urban settings. It can involve photographs of people, the architecture of the place, and everything that’s interesting about the place.

Can one define an urban environment?

An urban environment is a place built by human hands and marks the undeniable effect of human settlement. It involves where people live and work and engage in recreational activities. There is a lot of opportunity to shoot urban photography. Possibilities are limitless and all around you. As someone indulged in street photography, you might already be shooting urban photography without ever realizing you’re doing it.

Many different kinds of urban photography

Urban photography can be segregated into many different types. For example, there is candid urban photography. You may already know it because it is the same as street photography. Street photography or candid urban photography is about capturing life as it evolves on the streets.

What can you shoot in candid urban photography? Everything. There are no limits. You can capture street vendors going about their everyday chores, people walking on the streets going to work, fascinating characters as they pass you, street signs, windows, buildings, and everything in between.

Usually, these are captured candidly without letting the human subject know they’re being photographed (thus, the name candid).

Geometric Urban photography

When we talk about Geometric Urban Photography, we’re referring to the many geometric shapes and patterns formed by the architectural shapes of buildings and other constructions. We can also capture the colors and patterns that abound in an urban setting that make up the socio-cultural fabric of the city and its people. But in geometric urban photography, we tend to overlook one aspect of the town, and that’s vital – human beings.

Photographing portraits in an urban setting

Urban portrait photography is very similar to candid urban portraits, except you’re not shooting direct in this case. The images are posed, and that’s why they are a bit less natural. I have always loved a candid portrait more than a posed one. The difference is proportionate to the consciousness of the individual, the photographer.

When photographing people in an urban context, people should be the focal point of your images, but the urban scene must be in the background or at least form a part of the background.

Photographers! Sell your images on Planet Stock Photo.